Jendra Jarnagin: An Altitude Award Winner Reaching New Heights
Women in Media — June 2024
DP Jendra Jarnagin got creative with camera, lenses and lights on the low-budget Asking For It
Cinematography World Magazine— March 2022
Behind the Lens with DP Jendra Jarnagin
Production Hub — July 2022
DP Chat: Jendra Jarnagin Talks Shooting Indie Asking for It
Post Perspectives— April 2022
DP Jendra Jarnagin and director Rantz Hoseley discuss the short film "DIE"
Zeiss Lenspire — February 2022
Vintage Cooke Speed Panchro lenses bring nostalgic look to The Sixth Reel
British Cinematographer — August 2021
How To Make Sundance Work For You: A DP’s Perspective
No Film School — February 2017
A Movie is Made in Prep: Shooting a Fiction Feature Film during a Live Triathlon– Written by Jendra Jarnagin
CineAlta Magazine – Fall 2016
“A Bet’s A Bet:” Shooting a Raunchy Comedy in 15 Days – Written by Jendra Jarnagin
CineAlta Magazine – Spring 2015
Moviemaker Magazine Cover: The “Activism in Film” Issue
Moviemaker – Spring 2014
SHORT TAKES: Shooting Puppy Love With the Red One
American Cinematographer – July 2009
We continue our long-running Creative Forces series with East New York cinematographer Jendra Jarnagin.
Jendra discusses her professional journey, creative process, and recent experiences while shooting a feature film with the Canon C500 Mk II full frame cinema camera and TRIBE7 BLACKWING7 prime lenses.
Veteran Cinematographer Jendra Jarnagin, whose work includes 2021 Tribeca Selection "Asking For It," joins Filmmaker U. In this talk we chat with Jendra about how she incorporates her own style to each project, working with Directors to push the story visually and much more!
April 2021, Jendra Jarnagin hosts and leads the discussion on how Scriptation can save you hours of valuable production time, help you stay organized, and make collaboration with your crew effortless.
Learn how to master your prep with top cinematographers Byron Werner (Phantom, The Last Full Measure), Gonzalo Amat (The Man In The High Castle, Fargo), and Rob Draper, ACS (Creepshow, The Fosters).
August, 2020, Live AMA with Jendra Jarnagin: Let's Talk About the Art of Cinematography
Since graduating from NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts, Jendra has amassed over 20 years experience as photographing a wide range of projects including art films, beauty commercials, VR, and most recently the feature film Asking For It. Don't miss this Ask Me Anything style session, where attendees can get lighting tips and tricks from an expert, and learn about emerging industry technologies.
February, 2017, Sprout Video did a profile on Jendra Jarnagin for their instructional series for video content creators. With a great “Behind the Scenes” video from the set of the feature film “Little Faith,” Jendra discusses the importance of proper planning for your production.
December, 2015, This Behind the Scenes video was included in the feature Zacuto did on their blog, about Jendra shooting the movie TRI.
We discuss Jendra’s “overnight success” 20 years in the making, being based in NYC, how an innovative headshot led to creating an iconic personal brand, managing personal finances as a filmmaker, and landing and shooting her first TV show as a cinematographer.
Aug 2023, Filming Music Videos and TV Shows with Jendra Jarnagin
Jendra Jarnagin is a film, tv and commercial cinematographer whose projects have played at Sundance and Tribeca and have streamed on Hulu, and Paramount Plus.
She also recently completed work on the Warner Brothers television show, East New York.
But before working as a cinematographer, Jendra began her career as a gaffer and electrician.
In this episode, Jendra explains her path to becoming a cinematographer.
We then delve into her approach to lighting and filming projects such as the music video, "Oprah," for the music artist Rhapsody, and the show East New York.
We also discuss how approaches to cinematography and lighting are changing with new advancements in technology.
May 2023, On this episode, we had the great opportunity to speak with veteran Film and TV Cinematographer Jendra Jarnagin. Jendra has worked on an extensive list of top shows and films including “The Sopranos,” “Sex and the City,” “Law & Order,” “Gotham,” “Mozart in the Jungle,” “My Next Guest Needs No Introduction with David Letterman,” David Mamet’s Spartan, Spike Lee’s She Hate Me, Noah Baumbach’s The Squid and the Whale, Asking For It, and “East New York”! An amazing conversation covering her roots, education at NYU, experiences on a variety of independent film sets and large-scale television shows, on through her lensing the series “East New York”. An inspiring and educational chat; thank you Jendra for joining us.
Dec 2022, Episode 114 Jendra Jarnagin / East New York
The cinematographer discusses her career path and how it lead to shooting the prime-time CBS series East New York.
April, 2022, Jendra Jarnagin returns to The Cinematography Podcast after 7 years to talk about her latest movie, Asking For It, a female vigilante revenge thriller, about women who exact revenge on men who have abused women. First-time director Eamon O’Rourke wanted it to be a female exploitation-style movie without the exploitation, and he and Jendra were influenced by films such as Switchblade Sisters, Belly, True Romance, and Natural Born Killers.
Jendra also discusses her recent work on a 2020 commercial featuring former First Lady Michelle Obama. It was shot soon after production started returning after COVID lockdowns, and the directors had to work remotely. One of Jendra’s skills is understanding how to light women, and she is very proud of her work on this commercial. She had limited time with Mrs. Obama and knew she would not be able to tweak the lighting again once they were rolling.
December, 2019, In this long-form, conversational interview, Jendra discusses her recent shoot in Oklahoma, for the feature film Asking For It (podcast host Brad Grimmett was the A Camera/Steadicam Operator) as well as lighting for moving camera, the pros and cons of working with 2 cameras, some of her past projects, and working with a camera operator vs. operating yourself.
January, 2015, Hot Rod Cameras in Hollywood interviewed Jendra Jarnagin about a variety of topics including the indie film scene in NY in the 1990s, the trajectory of her career from gaffer to digital cinema pioneer, and the trap of falling down the technology rabbit hole. She also discusses her growth as an artist as well as her process for designing the look of a film, preproduction and aligning with the director's vision.
August, 2014, Jendra joined the Cinematic Immunity cavalcade telling us about her start in High School, how tough the business is, how you could end up chasing the work from city to city, and how to turn ideas into reality. From freelancing to income ebb and flow, she laid out some of the business angles of being a DP in NYC. We talk shooting on locations around the world, and how going to Sundance might land you your next big gig.